Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Productive Day

Being Productive
Today has been a very productive day so far! I went to the library to volunteer this morning and then I came home and have been cleaning ever since! Until now that is. It is really tiring though. Being pregnant is wonderful and such a blessing, but it definitely has its disadvantages! I don't think I was doing anything really straining, but simply cleaning (dishes, laundry, vacuuming, etc.) has made my body quite sore! My body is more sore lately in general as well. I feel as if I really have that wonderful pregnancy "waddle." Hahaha.

Anyway, I am feeling really good for the things I have been able to get done today. I had to make a decision in the morning that I would at least be somewhat productive and get some cleaning done. I think making that decision really helped because I knew I committed myself to it rather than thinking I would do it later if I still felt like it. I am really good at procrastinating, so that line of thinking almost never results in getting anything done!

In cleaning I decided I wanted to rearrange some furniture. I did move a couple of very light pieces of furniture like a little nightstand, but other than that I just made plans and will have Sama help me when he gets home if he is not too tired. I am also getting excited to get the baby's room set up! My parents have graciously offered to pay for the crib we are getting, so we will be ordering it pretty soon! I can't wait until everything is ready. Of course, then I will have nothing to do and I still have a few weeks until the baby is actually born...but oh well! I think I have been nesting since I found out I was pregnant and I am still always finding more things to do. Oh, and I am going to be having a baby shower next month so that is another thing to look forward to.

Early on in my pregnancy I had signed up for the week by week updates from one of the baby websites. But then we found out that my due date was almost a month off, so now I am getting emails talking about my pregnancy and it makes me so impatient because it always says I am farther along than I really am. Not that it is a big deal, but oh well.

I was talking to Sama about maybe having a Halloween party with some of our friends. I was looking at all these fun Halloween recipes and thinking of just doing a movie, games, and snacks. Anyway I was planning all of this in my head before actually talking to Sama and when I did mention it to him, he reminded me that he is going to be in Ohio for a career fair for IT related jobs. Sad day. But I made plans with one of my friends to do dinner and movies Saturday night and I am really excited! I think it will be a blast! Maybe I will still make some fun Halloween treats just for fun. I like that kind of thing. But anyway, our ward party is Friday. Saturday I am hanging out with a friend, and Sunday is a Halloween dinner at my aunts house. She always gets really into the theme and decorating and the food is always something Halloween related. The first year I was here for it she made ribs and put two racks of ribs next to each other and then a red bell pepper with a knife sticking out of it so it looked like a stabbed heart in between the ribs. Anyway, all the food items are creative like that. I love it! So it will be a fun weekend. I hope you all have fun plans too!

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