Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Hate Long Posts

Just an apology to those who actually read my ENTIRE first post. It was way too long. I have always been a fan of short and sweet, but to be honest I don't think that will be me. If I start writing, I want to keep writing and writing and writing. And sometimes I just ramble. So, I apologize. I do, however, appreciate subject headings in longer posts so I can easily read about what interests me and ignore all of the other stuff. So, I will try to do that here!

Pregnancy Update
I am just over 26 weeks along and finally feeling a little (just a little) less anxious about getting this baby here! Most of you who know me know that we are SO excited and can hardly wait. I am especially impatient. But I was thinking of the time Sama and I will have together as a couple before little Natalie gets here, and I am starting to appreciate that time more. I of course won't be able to travel in December because I will be too far along, so Sama and I will be in Provo for Christmas. I wasn't excited about that, but I think we can have a really special and memorable Christmas here. We will definitely miss all the family though!

Good news is that I passed my glucose test! With a strong family history of diabetes on both sides plus the fact that I have a hard time controlling myself when it comes to sugar, I was really worried about getting gestational diabetes! I am still worried that somehow I messed up the test, but I hope not! I am trying to eat much healthier of course since I am pregnant, but I still am not as healthy as I would like to be. My overall health, eating, and exercise habits are something that I am always working on and slowly getting better at. I really want to set a good example of health for my family and currently I am just not there yet! But I am trying and I feel really good about that.

Blog Name
I really don't like my blog name, so it is kind of temporary. Any good suggestions from anyone out there? I am planning to use this blog to talk about our family and what's going on as well as my interests which currently include anything baby related, cooking, writing, health, and the occasional crafty project. I am trying to figure out how to get my new (used) sewing machine to thread, but I haven't been successful so far. Anyway, I need suggestions for blog names! I am creative enough I suppose, but having a hard time with this. I was thinking something like Campos Life or something....clearly I am having trouble! Please help if you have any ideas! Also, I know I have some friends out there who have asked me if I had a blog in the past and said they would be interested in reading it if I did, so I am hoping if I slack on this for too long you will help remind me to keep this updated!

I watched the first session of conference today and loved it. I often feel lazy about getting up and getting myself to church, but I know it is worth it. Of course, with conference I didn't have to go anywhere but to the living room couch to see it. The speakers were wonderful and I got a lot out of the messages. But for afternoon conference I actually fell asleep after the first speaker. Not because it was boring, but because I was lying down and really tired. I plan to watch it later though! And I am excited about conference tomorrow.

I think that's all for now. Enjoy conference weekend everyone! If you are wondering what in the world I am talking about, General Conference is held twice a year in our church and we are able to listen to speakers from the leaders of the church. Topics range from faith to prayer to obedience to families to finance and so much more. It is wonderfully uplifting! Go to and click on the link for October General Conference to check it out! Really!


  1. I will totally be reminding you if you slack off!! I'm so glad you're blogging now!! Maybe you could do a Spanish title? Like Casa de Campos?

  2. You are beautiful and amazing Amanda, I will read your post no matter how long.
