Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Great Life

My new job working from home is going AWESOME! I love the company so much and I am making awesome new friends and it is overall a great experience for me. I get so excited sometimes that I can't sleep. I have been working hard to get the word out about this company and setting up presentations and having an overall great time. It is based on commission and I haven't actually made any money yet, but I feel really confident because of my experiences so far. I think even if I never make money, this is already becoming an experience that I will be so happy that I have had. Part of it is just putting myself out there more and meeting new people and sharing with them my enthusiasm about something I love. The company is totally dedicated to helping people! I love that. Have I mentioned that I love it? If anyone (no matter where you live) is interested in working from home or interested in safer, high-quality, environmentally friendly brands, PLEASE let me share with you what I am doing.  There are so many benefits!

Where will we be living next May?
Sama got his first job offer! It is in Michigan though and we don't really want to go there. But it was still EXCITING!!! They offered him a large salary (exciting for us as we are currently poor students) as well as a car and all kinds of awesome benefits. If it were in Oregon or Washington that would be so good, but oh well. Still waiting to hear back from some other companies. Hoping that things work out with Intel. Because then we would be in OREGON!

We had another appointment today and baby is doing fine! My blood pressure is still high. It went up from last week, but not by too much. I am realizing I have to be careful. I have been putting so much thought and effort into my new job and am loving it and I don't want my blood pressure to go up from my excitement and from working so hard at it! I think I need to have a meditation hour and do more yoga or at least something like that that will help me relax. I absolutely don't want bed rest! No way. Please no bed rest! I am not near that point yet, but I feel like it could happen if I am not more relaxed on my own. It is just hard!

Anyway, I wanted to write that we got our crib today!! Some of you read my post about my dilemmas in which crib to get. It was really stressing me out! So as soon as my parents sent us money (they generously offered to pay for the crib!), I ordered the crib. I ordered a Babi Italia from the Wal-mart website for $148. With tax and shipping we paid about $170. I feel really good about it. I realized with the help of friends and family that we didn't need an expensive crib, just a safe one. And this one has lots of extra certifications.

I wasn't able to set it up yet because I had a presentation tonight and the crib came in the late afternoon. My presentation went long because I was talking with my team about how to improve, so when I got home it was late. Oh well. We are so setting it up tomorrow! I did at least open the box to look at the color and it looks good so far!

I just want to write that I am so so grateful for family. I love having a close relationship with my family in Oregon and I am grateful for the relationship I have with my husband. He is struggling a little with school right now since he has been gone on job interviews and is always having to play catch-up with his school work. I wish there were more I could do for him, but it is nice to be able to be open and talk with him about the things that are going on in our life. Tonight I feel such great love for him and I am so happy!


  1. I am so glad thongs are going so well for you and I hope they just keep getting better. I love reading your blog.

  2. Thanks Danielle! I wish we could hang out!
