We took Natalie out for the first time today! In public that is and not for a doctors appointment. I decided that Sama and I needed some time for us and so we fed Natalie and got her almost to sleep and went out to dinner. She slept for most of it! It was great. She woke up towards the end and still did okay for the rest of the time. I was so happy to go out with her and Sama! Sama and I got to talk and have a really good time. It was so nice.
I think it will be easier to take her out now. The hardest part is that she still isn't on a consistent schedule. I think that is okay since we are mostly home, but it does make it hard when trying to plan things. Oh well. I would really like to have a schedule, but I am not sure that I want to force it. So we'll just see how it goes.
My friend Monique came over the other day with her son Ethan. It was really nice to have company. We had people over right after Natalie was born and that was kind of overwhelming at times because I mostly just wanted to rest! But I have been feeling pretty good the last couple weeks and it was great to see friends.
Cloth Diapers
Well we are doing cloth diapers (again)! Natalie was too small for the ones I had bought before she was born. So then I made some but I can't get the elastic right and they didn't fit right and leaked. Not good. So we kept using disposables but it was driving me crazy! I hated knowing that for a couple dollars more than a package of diapers I could just buy cloth. So I talked to Sama and he said to go ahead and buy some smaller diapers. They are Thirsties and two sizes in one so they aren't huge but will still last quite awhile. I took a picture but I am too lazy to hook up my camera and download it so that will come later. Anyway, my favorite cloth diapers are the GroVia and the Charlie Banana that we bought and they do work, they are just look HUGE on her. It is fine with me, but Sama doesn't like it because she seems uncomfortable. Though I haven't noticed that. But I was still impressed that they fit her! Those are my favorite diapers so far. But anyway, Monique gave me the idea of continuing to use the ones I made and just put the cover over them. So that is what I am doing and it works really well. I love it! Cloth diapers are so easy and are saving us money. I recommend it :) I am glad I found a way to keep using the ones I made. I am making more now since I can use the cover over them.
A Tree in Our Apartment
So there is a tree growing in our apartment. What?! I thought Sama was joking when he told me. This actually happened a few weeks ago. There is a teeny tiny branch breaking through the wall, so we called maintenance and they came out. They just plucked it out of the wall and then went outside and cleared some of the branches thinking that one just pushed through from the outside wall. And then they left. Yeah...that didn't work. The tree is back. I am so glad this is not my house and that we don't have to worry too much about this.
Natalie will be taking her first trip next month! We are going to Oregon to visit family and look at apartments. We decided that we will probably get an apartment for 6 months. After that we plan to buy a house. We wanted to buy a house first, but it is too much hassle trying to do that long distance and I just don't want to make a big decision like that without having a better idea of the area. So we will hopefully find some good apartments to choose from while we are there and be all set to move in after Sama's graduation. It is coming up!! Time is going so fast.
Natalie Updates
Breastfeeding is still going well. It keeps getting better :) Natalie is starting to hold her head up for a few seconds at a time! She is doing well at everything except sleeping through the night. Can't wait for that day to come!
I can't believe you haven't been out with her much! How are you not going stir crazy?! Man I was back at church when mine were just a few days old. Although, admittedly, it's a LOT warmer here (NC) than where you are!!! Glad you're getting back into the real world! :)
ReplyDeleteDo a whole post with pics on your diapers! I don't know much about charlie banana. I have heard about thirsties but I'm not sure I understand them. Is it like a two-step system? Details please! And pics of your cutie baby in them!! :)