Monday, January 3, 2011




 The smallest dress we could find for her (even some preemie clothes are too big!)

The Birth Story
I think I wrote that I was on bed rest. Well, it didn't really last because on Saturday, December 18th, I was just not feeling well. My blood pressure was really high as well, so I called the doctor. He didn't sound very concerned but he told me I could go to the hospital if I wanted just to make sure everything was okay. Well, Sama was at work, but I really didn't feel right so I called my friend and she came to pick me up and take me to the hospital. And she stayed with me too! I was really grateful for that because I didn't want to be alone. So it turns out that I was right to be worried because my blood pressure was even higher than the readings I had gotten at home. The highest it got was 198 over something (I never really remember the bottom number...) and that was after they had decided I was staying and started giving me medicine to bring my blood pressure down. In case you don't know, normal blood pressure is about 120/80 and they start to get worried in pregnancy if it gets to about 140/90. That's around where I was when I got put on bed rest.

So Monique, my amazing friend, stayed with me for about 4 hours until Sama got to the hospital. I was induced at 6:20 PM and started feeling contractions about 9:00 PM. I thought I was doing really good with all my breathing and relaxation techniques. It started getting pretty painful though at which point I requested the pain medication.  About midnight I thought I was going to die. Really. I hadn't wanted an epidural though and so the thought never really crossed my mind. I kept thinking I was still going to be in labor for a long time and that it would just get worse, so I really shouldn't consider any of that yet anyway. Well, it got worse. I can't believe how painful contractions were. I started to push a little after 1:00 AM and that was actually a relief because I couldn't feel the contractions when I was pushing. I only had to push for a few minutes and Natalie was born at 1:28 AM on December 19th.

I decided that if I am induced the next time, I am definitely getting an epidural. If I am not induced I think I will do it naturally again since they say that induced labor contractions are much more painful.

Natalie is such a calm, sweet baby. She cries only when she gets a tummy ache. She didn't even cry for more than a second or two right after she was born. Which was a little worrisome to us, but they said she was healthy. Even when they were drawing blood she didn't cry. So the next day when the NICU nurse was taking out IVs and getting her ready to come back downstairs with us, she started to really cry. And Sama's response? He was grinning and so happy! Not because she was in pain but because she was finally crying and that was a sign that things were normal.

Natalie is so patient with us. We are trying to do the best we can for her, but are making mistakes for sure. We are really thankful to our moms who have been here helping us with her so much. My mom was here the end of December and then Sama's mom came and is still here. I think we will be kind of lost without all this help. But it will be okay.

Breastfeeding (possibly TMI...)
So I have always loved kids and been pretty good with them. I figured that being a mom would be tiring but easy. I am so naive. Yes, I know everyone says it's hard, but I really thought I was the exception. Oh well. It is still wonderful and I LOVE this little girl!

The hardest thing is breastfeeding. I read about it, took classes about it, but it is NOT as easy as just following a few simple steps. Well, not for us. We had to supplement with formula in the hospital because Natalie had low blood sugar. When we got home we still had to supplement for a couple days, but FINALLY I had enough milk and so we started exclusively breastfeeding. At first. Because even though I learned about getting a proper latch I guess I still didn't do it right because I was in agonizing pain every time I tried to feed her. I really hated feeding time. Which was of course every two hours. Gahh! So we went to see a lactation specialist. Twice. Things were still painful but getting (slightly) better. And milk. What?! I was producing a lot of milk. Really. A lot. And then nothing? So my husband pointed out that I really hadn't stayed very hydrated that day. I drank tons of water. My mother-in-law made me atole with oatmeal and then I started to get milk again the next day. But still painful. Still agonizing. Because besides being painful, Natalie didn't really eat when she was at my breast. She was just there. So it was taking at least an hour to feed her. Then she was still hungry because of course she hardly ate. I cried. This was really hard. And then...a miracle! I asked Sama to give me a blessing because I was just going crazy. I wanted to give up but I didn't want to feed Natalie any other way either. So I had the blessing, I read the scriptures, and I prayed. I really didn't know what to do but Heavenly Father always does, so that is where I turned. I am so grateful for the gospel. I felt more calm. When Natalie woke up that night for her next feeding I dreaded it as usual. But like I said. A miracle. She latched on and she was eating! Like the whole entire time. I think we finished in about 30 minutes. My breasts were sore after but not in that "I really might die" kind of way. We have now had 3 successful, no tears (mine) feedings in a row! I am really hoping that this trend continues. I just don't know how to handle it any other way. They say it gets better. It has, but I am hoping that it gets still better because there is still some pain. Anyway, it is so much better to enjoy all the time I have with Natalie including when she is eating! Feel free to pray for us. I never knew it was this hard.

I really have no news other than what is going on with my daughter. What else is there right now? She is the best thing in our lives right now and we couldn't be happier to have her.


  1. She is beautiful my friend. I hope things are going well for you and that you enjoy all of this precious time with Natalie.

  2. Yay! I'm so happy! I really am going to come meet her soon. Ethan had croup, and then our car got totaled on our anniversary (the 29th), and things have just been crazy. But I will try to come as soon as I can. I love you!! And she's beautiful!

  3. Amanda! Congratulations! I am so thrilled for you. Every new parents - and every seasoned, expert parent - makes mistakes. That's exactly what we're here for!

    So glad to hear breastfeeding is going better. It's definitely not TMI...I totally know how that goes. We tried to get it to work, every 2 hours, for NINE STRAIGHT WEEKS! I visited so many doctors and lactation specialists, I lost count halfway through. It never did work - not sure why - but I'm praying it does with baby #2. I did pump for 9 months though, which was really hard, but so worth it to give Eli the best for him.

    Best wishes. Hang in there - it IS painful for at least a few weeks, even if everything is going right. Your body just isn't used to it yet, but it will get there. :)

  4. Thanks Annie! I know I am not the only one, but it is crazy hard and sometimes feels that way :) The breastfeeding going better didn't really last, but I am pumping and kind of waiting to "heal". I am all scratched up from a bad latch but it is going away pretty quick. I have also been going to the lactation specialists and calling them. Plus advice from friends and family. Will be going again to the specialists in a couple days to see if we can get some more help! Over all I am feeling a lot better though. I don't dread feeding time anymore at least :) Still hopeful about the breastfeeding though.

  5. congrats! and yes, the nursing does get easier. don't guilt yourself about it, whatever happens, though, ok? TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. Glad for the update, keep em coming! :)
