Thursday, September 1, 2011

5K Today!

So out of pretty much nowhere I ran (okay ran is the wrong word. It was more like walked/jogged) a 5K. Sama works for a great company and they plan a lot of different events. Today it was a 5K and a 10K for employees and their families. And there were a lot of people! Sama asked me yesterday if I wanted to do it and I did. It was kind of sad because I couldn't jog too much because of my knee, but so what? I did it! And maybe walking/jogging 3 miles isn't all that impressive, but for me it was awesome and I feel really good about it!

So after the 5K there was a BBQ for everyone. It was a little disappointing. We spent almost two hours in line (yeah, really) for food that was just okay. But it was really just bad tasting in a way since it was so not worth the wait and we would have been better off just leaving, going somewhere, and getting home MUCH earlier! But we are cheap and the food was FREE! And why did the line take so long you might ask? Well imagine hundreds of people, with four tables of food (salad bar type stuff, but we all know most everyone wanted the meat, right?) and people could go on either side of those four tables, so that should not take two hours, right? Wrong. Because those eight lines suddenly, with no real order to things, turned into two tables of meat with lines on just one side of each table. It looked like it was so they could keep the food warm in chaffing dishes, but did they really think it would get cold with so many people? Whatevs, it was still a great day!

After getting home we heard music playing across the street which reminded me that today was the last week of the farmer's market that is near our house (the music was from the live bands they have each week in case you were wondering why music would remind me of the farmer's market). So I went over and got some delicious blackberries and strawberries as well as our favorite roasted red pepper hummus. So good!

Today totally made up for my bad weekend!

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