Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tomorrow Will Be Better!

Hey everyone! I hope you are having a great week so far! Mine has been going really well. I volunteer at the library on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and even though I am not always in the mood for it, I like being productive and helping out!

Headaches and Migraines
Last night I stayed up too late reading and at some point my eyes really started hurting and that almost always leads to headaches! But did I want to stop reading? Nope! So I didn't and went to bed with a headache. Then I woke up with a headache. And went to the library with a get the picture. I am feeling much better now, but it took half the day!

I usually get migraines once a month or so and I had a couple REALLY bad ones since I've been pregnant because I can't take my regular medicine for them. But it is actually kind of a blessing that I haven't been able to take my regular medicine because I think it also caused more frequent headaches because of the caffeine. I normally take Excedrin Migraine (great stuff!) and when I got pregnant I started taking Excedrin Tension Headache instead because it doesn't have asprin in it. But it still has acetaminophen and caffeine in it. It was when I was taking that that I got some uncontrollable migraines that only an IV treatment at the ER fixed. So about 3 weeks ago I ran out of my Excedrin and didn't want to spend money on more and used just acetaminophen. I am getting fewer headaches! I still think caffeine works great on the really severe headaches and migraines, but it is nice to realize that I don't need it as often as I thought. I'm really glad I realized that I can manage most headaches with just acetaminophen. I think my migraines will come less because of this, but we will see.

I try to eat healthy because I want to be healthy and being pregnant I especially want to make sure my baby will be healthy. As I mentioned I had a headache today and just didn't feel good. I usually get nauseated along with my headaches, so it is hard to eat well. Plus it is hard for me anyway because I tend to want foods that are less healthy. Anyway, I didn't eat that well today and was feeling really bad about that. I didn't eat junk or anything, I just didn't eat a variety of foods. Okay, I had Cheerios and Rice Krispies cereal like 3 times. Only in the late afternoon/evening did I finally eat more things. I tried to make up for it with lots of fruit, but I am still feeling bad about this. So, tomorrow will be better!

Doctor Appointment
We have a doctors appointment tomorrow to see how the baby is doing! I am always excited about this. No ultrasound this time, but we will hear the baby's heartbeat and the doctor will check to see that everything is going well. I feel like everything is fine, but it is always nice to have it confirmed. I hope we get that confirmation tomorrow too!

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