Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Sama and I made homemade calzones yesterday and they were delicious! And fun to make :) that is really all I have to say about that, but I am excited about the fact that they turned out so well and thought I would share that. I should have taken a picture, but oh well.

I have always loved the Scentsy brand of wickless candles. They smell so yummy! The duplex we are living in is really old and has a kind of musty old smell. Nothing horrible, but it has made me want Scentsy more than ever. So since we are on a super tight budget I have had to save my money. I finally have enough for a little plug-in warmer and on scent bar, which lasts about six months with the plug-in warmer. Anyway, I am really happy and excited about this. I am buying mine from a consultant in Provo, Carmen. She is super nice and brought a bag of samples for me to smell. She leaves them with you for as long as you need to decide. She came yesterday and is coming back tomorrow to pick them up and process my order. We are getting Enchanted Mist for our first scent. I also like Cinnamon Vanilla and Honey Pear Cider. Yum! Here is a link to Carmen's site on Scentsy if any of you in the Provo area are interested. But there are consultants pretty much anywhere and you can also buy online. My friends who have had it always have such nice smelling homes. It is great and I am so excited about this order. I know it is just a candle, but oh well. I am still happy about it!

Finally, here is a more recent picture of my pregnant self. I'm 28 weeks here. Crazy! Sorry about the picture quality; we are hoping to be able to get a new camera before the baby comes!

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