So Natalie has just not been into food lately! She will have a couple bites and then be done. And then drink lots of milk! I would like to wean her off of daytime breastfeeding if I can. So far it isn't happening. But then again it is not something I am actively trying to do. Yet. Anyway....I am getting off topic. This morning I decided to make a healthy green smoothie and some quinoa for our breakfast. I had some collard greens from a meal I made a couple nights ago. This was my first time that I can remember eating collard greens and I thought they were okay but not great. As leftovers I ended up taking out the greens and eating the rest because they tasted so bad to me. And yet....I put them in my smoothie because that was all the greens I had! So a little green and lots of fruit. It wasn't super terrible but I can't say I liked it. But Natalie did! She even liked the quinoa. And made a terrible mess with it all. But she ate plenty. Good job Natalie!
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